Here ..only Jump manga is given Ranks
if you find a manga with (Rank #) in this site ..then it's a manga that serialized in "weekly shounen jump" . the rankings shown here is the TOS rankings (see below).
in this site the color of (Rank 0) and (Rank ?)
only in this site ...(Rank 0) means that the week a chapter is ranked it had a color page and color pages is taken out from the TOS.
(Rank ?) means that "we" didn't get the rank of that chapter
in this site the color of (Rank #) determines it's good or bad shape
purple means it's RANK 0 and it's not ranked in the TOS.
blue means it at Top five (the manga get's high votes and it's okay)
black means a normal rank
Red means it at last five (if the manga gets a lot of reds in row its like a death note for it)
TOS Rankings ? whats that?
Weekly Shounen Jump Rankings is based on the Table of
Contents of the said magazine. Also, this page devotes its time to
WSJ-related news and updates.
Description : The ToC is strictly poll based. The rankings here are based on a “supposedly” minus 7 chapter rule.
Take a look how such a TOC looks:
The magazine layout takes the series which have color pages out and gives it in the middle. The other ranked series are visible on the right except of course the cover which is also not ranked.